1. Go to drive.google.com
  2. Right Click on the Folder or File
  3. In the Right Click menu Find “Google Drive”
  4. Select Share
  5. A window will pop up and type in the email address of the person(s) you would like to share the folder with. (Pencil will set editable or viewable by the person you will share with)
    1. For Staff members you should use their first initial lastname at rockwoodschools.org --> dyounkin@rockwoodschools.org
    2. For Students use their student id at rockwoodschools.org --> 123456@rockwoodschools.org
  6. Click Advanced
  7. The Window will then expand to show all the people you have shared this folder/file with. 
    1. Pencil is to edit their rights (ownership, editable, view only)
    2. X is to remove them from the shared folder.
    3. You can add other people from Invite people.
    4. Owner settings: If selected this will not allow your editable users to be able to add other users to this shared folder. THIS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO CHECK ON!
  8. Once you click send, Google will send an email to these email addresses notifying them that an item has been shared with them.

  9. This is all that needs to be done to share a file/folder with another person.
  10. The person that created the file/folder is responsible for sharing rights and the users that will be accessing the file/folder.
  11. Then the person(s) you have shared this with should read this article.

NOTE: This can be done with students, teachers, and staff.